是否进口:否 | 产地:德国 | 加工定制:否 |
品牌:耶拿 | 型号:407-A81.011 | 订货号:407-A81.011 |
货号:407-A81.011 | 材质:石墨管 | 用途:石墨管 |
是否跨境货源:否 |
德国耶拿407-A81.011石墨管Analytik Jena。德国耶拿***石墨管Pack of 10 pieces graphite tube, coated,耶拿原子吸收AA仪器上使用,质量***,价格优惠常备现货。
德国耶拿407-A81.011石墨管Analytik Jena
德国耶拿407-A81.011石墨管Analytik Jena产品参数:
英文名称:Pack of 10 pieces graphite tube, coated
货 号:407-A81.011
品 牌:耶拿、Analytik Jena
德国耶拿407-A81.011石墨管Analytik Jena常用货号:
407-A81.024 Graphite shroud, pyro-coated
407-A81.018 Pair graphite electrode 2 pieces
407-A81.011 Pack of 10 pieces graphite tube, coated
407-A81.025 Pack of 10 pieces graphite tube with PIN-platform
407-A81.020 Pack of 5 pieces Graphite pipetting insert
407-152.023 Pack of 10 pieces Z-graphite sample platform (solid),pyro-coated
407-A81.303 Pack of 10 pieces solid graphite tube, pyro-coated
407-152.342 Pair of Z-electrodes (2 pieces)
407-152.314 Pack of 10 pieces Z-graphite tube with PIN-platform
407-152.315 Pack of 10 pieces Z-standard graphite tube
407-152.346 Pack of 5 pieces Z-graphite insert
407-152.324 set of graphite parts furnace
Set 1 ZL-graphite shroud, 2 Electrode and 1 pipetting insert
407-152.340 Z-graphite shroud liquid
407-152.020 Bag with 3 pieces seal rings 11,6 x 1,2 mm for the furnace
702-A81.394 Adjusting aid (external) adjustment binder
702-A81.314 Adjustment aid (internal) half-shelled tube
407-152.022 Furnace windows, 1 pair (left, right) (ZEEnit 60/65)
407-152.576 Furnace windows, 1 pair (ZEEnit 600/650/700)
407-152.316 Pack of 10 pieces Z-standard graphite tube, solid
407-152.341 Z-graphite shroud, solid
德国耶拿407-A81.011石墨管Analytik Jena产品介绍
美国珀金埃尔默(PerkinElmer)色谱、光谱全系列产品:括元素灯、石墨管、样品杯、雾化器 、中心管、矩管、标液、氘灯、钨灯、干燥剂、样品池、隔垫 、色谱柱、样品瓶、毛细管柱等耗材岛津(Shimadzu):氘灯、石墨压环、玻璃衬管、色谱柱、样品瓶隔垫等美国赛默飞世尔(Thermofisher):石墨管、元素灯、干燥剂戴安、沃特斯、瓦里安、安捷伦、耶拿等耗材配件